Òscar Julve's profile

Remigton by Julve

Character Design
Inktober is an initiative promoted by Jake Parker. The aim of the project is that every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.

This year, as a result of my recent visit to an Art exhibition about the Far West lifestyle, I decided to change a little bit the Inktober rules. I enjoyed the exhibition a lot, especially some Frederic Remington art-pieces, and for this reason I changed even the title of Inktober to Remingtober, as an homage to the american painter, and instead of doing one ink drawing, I worked in some retakes on Remington art masterpieces.
Remigton by Julve

Remigton by Julve

Remigtober by Julve. Remigton by Julve
